Wednesday, May 4, 2011

John Coltrane - Africa

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Four albums with a glossy, orange and black cover hit the record stores in January 1961 and began a buzz that has lasted for 50 years.  "The first four albums all shipped to radio and all buyers at the same time...a totally coordinated merchandising effort," says producer Creed Taylor. "It was a landslide. On radio everyone was playing Impulse, distributors were running out of stock."

Within six months, Impulse Records had made a mark on the music business that lasts to today, where at the Jazz Standard in Manhattan, a celebration called "Impulse! Nights" runs until Sunday. Tenor saxophonists Dave Liebman and Ravi Coltrane kicked off the series with "Africa/Brass," the first Impulse recording by Ravi's father, John Coltrane. Ravi recalls the title song, "Africa," as one of the first of his dad's tunes he learned. He would play it with his mom, keyboardist and harpist Alice Coltrane. Read complete story at

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